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Mg 23: Tượng Đức Mẹ Guadalupe Chảy Nước Mắt Máu Ở Austin, Texas, Hoa Kỳ
Chủ Nhật, Ngày 14 tháng 12-2008

Sunday December 14 2008

7:32 pm

Our Lady of Guadalupe statue raises questions possible  miracle
12/13/2008 3:40 PM
By: News 8 Austin Staff

A close-up view of the statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe.  
A family contacted News 8 about – what they say is – a miracle in the small community of Rancho Vista near San Marcos.

It involves a statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe, which stands in a fountain in front of the Castillo family's house.

The family gathered to celebrate the feast day of the Virgin of Guadalupe Friday.

They said the festivities lasted into the early morning hours.

Then, Saturday morning they found what appeared to be tears of blood in the statue's eyes.

"We've got a few individuals that work with us, and just friends that are sick and they come out here to pray," Tony Castillo said. "And, we've got people that come out here at night and they're kneeling down and praying. And so, it's a miracle and it makes me feel good thinking that maybe there is something happening here."

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Our Lady of Guadalupe
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Click to read more about Our Lady of Guadalupe.

The family said they called a priest from St. John's Catholic Church in San Marcos to come by to look at the statue.

"We're hoping it's not some character who came by and did that, but we're just going to go with a miracle and hope that some people do get cured and somebody gets a little more faith by what they're seeing."

To Catholics, the Virgin of Guadalupe is considered the patroness of Mexico and all of the Americas.

The statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe stands in front of the Castillo family's house in Rancho Vista.  



Our Lady of Guadalupe

Feastday: December 12
Patron of the Americas

Our Lady of Guadalupe December 12 (USA) When we reflect on the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe we learn two important lessons, one of faith and one of understanding.

Missionaries who first came to Mexico with the conquistadors had little success in the beginning. After nearly a generation, only a few hundred Native Mexicans had converted to the Christian faith. Whether they simply did not understand what the missionaries had to offer or whether they resented these people who made them slaves, Christianity was not popular among the native people.

Then in 1531 miracles began to happen. Jesus' own mother appeared to humble Juan Diego. The signs -- of the roses, of the uncle miraculously cured of a deadly illness, and especially of her beautiful image on Juan's mantle -- convinced the people there was something to be considered in Christianity. Within a short time, six million Native Mexicans had themselves baptized as Christians.

The first lesson is that God has chosen Mary to lead us to Jesus. No matter what critics may say of the devotion of Mexicans (and Mexican descendants) to Our Lady of Guadalupe, they owe their Christianity to her influence. If it were not for her, they would not know her son, and so they are eternally grateful. The second lesson we take from Mary herself. Mary appeared to Juan Diego not as a European madonna but as a beautiful Aztec princess speaking to him in his own Aztec language. If we want to help someone appreciate the gospel we bring, we must appreciate the culture and the mentality in which they live their lives. By understanding them, we can help them to understand and know Christ. Our Lady of Guadalupe is patron of the Americas.

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