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Sự Kiện Truyền Tin
Thứ Bảy, Ngày 23 tháng 3-2019
Info: How can I help you today? 20:46, Mar 22 You: hello! 20:46, Mar 22 T-Mobile: << Sent Rich Content >> 20:46, Mar 22 You: I am! 20:46, Mar 22 T-Mobile: << Sent Rich Content >> 20:51, Mar 22 T-Mobile: We'll be with you just as soon as we can! 20:53, Mar 22 You: I just get a Galxy S8+ and would like to activate it. How it can be done? 20:53, Mar 22 You: By the way currently I have S3 with T-mobil plan. 21:03, Mar 22 You: hello! are you there!!!!!! 21:06, Mar 22 Markemerson: Hello there and I'm very sorry for the long wait, Hahuyen. The Galaxy S3's SIM card is too big to fit on the S8+ so we'll need to register the SIM card which came with the new device. In this regard I would like to have the S8+'s SIM card number as well as the line where it will be used on, please. 21:07, Mar 22 Markemerson: The SIM card number is 19 digits long and it always begin with 8901. You can find it printed in the SIM card itself. 21:13, Mar 22 You: I have not got a SIMM card yet. Can I get one from t-mobile? How much does it cost?? 21:14, Mar 22 Markemerson: I see. Yes, you can purchase one from us customer care or by visiting a store. The cost is $25 plus taxes. 21:15, Mar 22 You: I thought it is free for all loyal T-Mobil customer ... that is what I got when switch to S3. 21:16, Mar 22 Markemerson: Yes, if you purchased the S8+ from us it should come with a free T-Mobile SIM card. 21:17, Mar 22 You: I bought S3 from somewhere else but T-Mobile honor it and give me the SIMM free. Is this policy being changed now? 21:21, Mar 22 Markemerson: As far as I can recall all SIM cards are purchased. The only time the replacement would be free of charge is if you have a defective SIM card or if there's an ongoing free SIM card offer. 21:22, Mar 22 You: Is there any free SIMM card offered this time around? 21:22, Mar 22 Markemerson: As of now there's none. All SIM card purchases would be worth $25 plus applicable taxes. 21:24, Mar 22 You: I got it. Thanks. I will look into other carrier (ATT, Verizon ...etc) to see if they have this offer ... 21:24, Mar 22 You: then switch the services to them. 21:31, Mar 22 Markemerson: Sorry to keep you waiting. Maybe there's something I can do. 21:32, Mar 22 Markemerson: Although the SIM card requires a $25 payment what I can do is give you courtesy credits to cover the SIM card expense as one-time courtesy. 21:33, Mar 22 Markemerson: I hope this would make you stay with us. I hope you would accept this offer while I'm still here so it can be carried out. 21:38, Mar 22 You: How does the credit work? 21:39, Mar 22 Markemerson: So it's like this. I'll schedule a follow-up to monitor your account until the day you make the SIM card purchase. Once I found the SIM card purchase I'll apply the credits based on the amount shown in the order receipt. 21:40, Mar 22 Markemerson: The credits will be then used to lower your bill. Let's have your $60 bill as example. 21:40, Mar 22 You: The bottom line is I still get it free, right? 21:41, Mar 22 Markemerson: Technically yes. It's just that you'll pay first then you get it back later. 21:41, Mar 22 Markemerson: So upon applying the credits your bill would be reduced to roughly $35 because of the $25 credit. 21:41, Mar 22 Markemerson: The only thing I need to know is on whether you accept this offer as well as on when do you plan on buying a SIM card. 21:42, Mar 22 You: I plan to go to the T-mobile store tomorrow to buy a SIMM and activate the phone. 21:43, Mar 22 Markemerson: Alright. Just in case of delays I'll schedule my follow-up to 3/27/2019. 21:43, Mar 22 Markemerson: So I'll monitor your account until 3/27/2019 and if I see a SIM purchase I'll apply the credits. 21:44, Mar 22 You: May I have your name and ID as references to our chat today. 21:44, Mar 22 Markemerson: Sure thing. I'm Mark Emerson, employee number 853878. 21:44, Mar 22 Markemerson: In this chat window you should see a + sign where you have the option to print this chat. 21:45, Mar 22 You: By the way, the phone # that I am going to activate is 408-2204346. The other phone already activated. Please keep a note of it. 21:46, Mar 22 Markemerson: No problem. I'll update the number and regardless I'll monitor the entire account. 21:47, Mar 22 You: Thanks for your friendly help. Good nite from California. 21:48, Mar 22 Markemerson: You're welcome and looking forward to fulfilling this promise, Hahuyen. 21:48, Mar 22 Markemerson: I hope all of your concerns are addressed in this session. 21:48, Mar 22 You: Yes it is. good nite. 21:49, Mar 22 Markemerson: Thank you also for using messaging. Please take care and have a wonderful weekend.
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