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Thay đổi kích cỡ chữ đọc:
Way Of The Cross
Chủ Nhật, Ngày 31 tháng 7-2016

Way of The Cross

Modern Metaphor of Passion of Our Lord.
1st Station  -Visitors to be welcomed home

2nd -  Feed the hungry

3rd - To reproach sinners

4th - To console those in despair

5th - To visit the ill

6th - To visit the imprisoned

7th - To forgive grudges eagerly

8th - To teach those who do not know

9th - To advise well to those in doubt

10th - To clothe the naked

11th -  To suffer harm patiently

12th - To give drink to the thirsty

13th - To pray for the living and the dead

14th - To bury the dead,
Where is God?  Christ is found through small Acts of Mercy. Lord wants young people to be concrete signs of his merciful love.
The Way of the Cross alone defeats sin- said Pope Francis.
Blessed are the merciful for the shall obtain mercy. (Mt 5,7)

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