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Prayer For Healing The Family
Thứ Năm, Ngày 25 tháng 3-2010

Prayer for Healing the Family

(I invite you to pray this prayer regularly, with gratitude. Gratitude is a position of openness and trust, that makes room for the Lord to work on our behalf.)

PRAISE YOU, JESUS, YOU ARE MY LIFE, MY LOVE: Lord Jesus I thank You for Your presence with me today. I know that You love me and have called me by name. You came to set the captives free. Thank You for Your love that calls me out of bondage and into Your abundant life. I praise You, bless You, worship You. I stand and proclaim that You are Lord of my life. You are my Life. I repent of my sins and I turn away from them and turn to You. Thank You for filling me with Your Holy Spirit and releasing in me the anointing of Your Spirit to pray this prayer.

PRAISE YOU, JESUS, YOU ARE MY HIDING PLACE: I place myself under Your protection, Jesus, and cover myself with Your precious blood.

PRAISE YOU, JESUS, YOU ARE MY RIGHTEOUSNESS: Lord Jesus, I enter into deep forgiveness, with gratitude that the Holy Spirit is cleansing me of any roots of bitterness or resentment. I pray now for the one person during the last week who has been the greatest source of pain and annoyance. I forgive that person from the depths of my heart. I pray a blessing on that person. Jesus because I love You I say to those people, "Even though you have hurt me, I am not going to hurt you. I give you to Jesus. I forgive you, accept you, and love you as you are."

PRAISE YOU, JESUS, YOU ARE THE WONDERFUL COUNSELOR: Lord Jesus, I pray now for the one person who has hurt me the most in life. Thank You for Your Spirit, guiding and counseling me in the middle of these hurts. I lift this one up to You to receive Your blessing. Thank You, Lord, for the grace to truly forgive myself for my greatest sin, my biggest breech in my faith relationship with You. You have forgiven me, and I receive from You the grace to forgive myself.

PRAISE YOU, JESUS, YOU ARE THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES: Lord Jesus I come to You on behalf of everyone in my family who is not perfectly united to You. I apologize to You for their sinfulness. I acknowledge that some of my family may be, or may have been, involved in the occult - spiritualism, witchcraft and all manner of seeking information from forbidden sources. Lord, forgive. Jesus, in Your Name that is above all names, I break the power of evil over my family. I break all curses, hexes, spells, evil wishes, evil desires, voodoo, black magic, satanic vows, hereditary seals, pacts, spiritual bonding and soul ties with satanic forces, and sever the transmission of those links through my family. Jesus, united with You, I come against the effects of all family links with psychics, astrologers, clairvoyants, mediums and fortune tellers. On behalf of my family I renounce all family participation in seances and divination and activity with tarot cards, ouija boards, astrology and occult games of all kinds. In Your Name, Jesus, I renounce all ways that satan might have a hold on me or my family. I break the transmission of all satanic works passed on through my family. Lord I invite You to remove from my family all effects of involvement in the occult. Any territory handed over to satan by my family, I hereby take back and place under Your Lordship, Jesus. Thank You for beginning now to raise up in my family holy godly committed Christians deeply committed to Your truth.

PRAISE YOU, JESUS, YOU ARE MY WISDOM: Thank You, Jesus, that You are Lord of my family. In Your holy name, Jesus, I come against all deeply ingrained patterns of marital unhappiness in my family. I say "No" to all suppression of spouse and all expressions of marital unlove. Thank You, Jesus, for setting us free. In Your Name, Jesus, I stop all hatred, death wishes, evil desires and intentions in marriage relationships in my family. In the power of Your Holy Spirit, I put an end to all transmission of violence, all vindictive, negative behavior, all infidelity and deception. I renounce all family patterns of tension, divorce and hard hearts in the name of Jesus. United with You, Jesus, I bring an end to all deeply ingrained family patterns of feeling trapped in unhappy marriage, all feelings of emptiness and failure. Thank You, Jesus, that You will forgive members of my family for all the ways they have dishonored the sacrament of marriage. I invite You to bring to future generations in our family many committed marriages filled with love, faithfulness, fidelity and kindness.

PRAISE YOU, JESUS, YOU ARE MY DEFENSE: Jesus, standing one with You, I now put a stop to all family patterns of wounding children. In Your Name I come against the hurting ways--the abortions, miscarriages, unwanted pregnancies, unwelcome babies, births conceived out of wedlock. In Your presence I renounce all family patterns of not valuing life. I renounce all habits of emotional and physical battering, abandonment and abducting of children. Lord thank You for forgiving all the ways past generations of my family have brought harm to children. Lord Jesus, our Defense, I welcome Your presence in our family, bringing forth in future generations people who reverence and love their children and raise them in ways that honor you. May the future children in my family line know what it means to be deeply loved.

PRAISE YOU, JESUS, YOU ARE THE MIGHTY WARRIOR: Lord Jesus, thank You for Your Spirit at work in our family, bringing to a halt all patterns of sexual sin, rape, fornication, incest and perversion. Thank You, Mighty Warrior, for the anointing of Your Spirit that breaks this chain of evil and brings sexual health and wholeness into my family. May current and future generations of my family shine with the beauty of a healthy sexuality.

PRAISE YOU, JESUS, YOU ARE OUR VICTORY: Lord Jesus, thank You for Your Spirit that heals any patterns of mental illness in my family. May there be no more paranoia, schizophrenia, personality disorders, manic-depressive patterns in my family. Through the power of Your Victorious Spirit, Jesus, let there be an end to any family patterns of wounding and repressing masculinity; any suppression and damage to the female spirit. Thank You Jesus, that there will be no more patterns of self-destruction in my family. May the people of our family have Your mind, Jesus. In You, Jesus, I invite healthy thinking, emotional balance and wholesome patterns into my family. Jesus, thank You for bringing a spirit of light and laughter and joy into my family line.

PRAISE YOU, JESUS, YOU ARE EMMANUEL, GOD WITH US: Lord Jesus, You tell us there is no fear in love, because perfect Love casts out all fear. Thank You for Your perfect love healing any patterns of fear in my family. Thank You that Your perfect love casts out fear of water, men, height, success, failure, crowds, women, God, death, leaving home, closed places, open spaces, speaking out, flying and pain. Thank You Jesus for setting our family free of fear. Thank You for Your precious protection around my family, driving away any negative spirits that would seek to plant seeds of fear in my family.

PRAISE YOU, JESUS, YOU ARE ALL THAT I NEED: Lord Jesus, You are our self control. Thank You for breaking compulsive habits in our family: all addictive patterns of gambling, shopping, talking, drinking, and chemical abuse. Thank You for breaking all patterns of hoarding and squandering resources and talents. Thank you for healing patterns of stinginess and stealing. Thank You for releasing my family from bondage to all compulsive habits in Your mercy, grace and generosity.

PRAISE YOU, JESUS, YOU ARE MY HEALING AND WHOLENESS: Lord Jesus, we go to doctors for medicine sometimes, but You are our healer. Thank You for releasing physical healing into my family. Thank You for severing family links to diseases of every kind: heart disease, blood disease, cancer, digestive and eating disorders, ulcers, and all tendencies to form tumors. Thank You for stopping patterns of female disorders in my family: menstrual problems, hormone imbalances, infertility and sexual coldness. Thank You for stopping patterns of male sexual disorders: impotence and transmitted diseases. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit at work in healing physical deformities, hearing problems, immune deficiences, rare diseases, weak eyes, bad teeth, flat feet. Thank You for healing migraines, mental retardation, lung problems, arthritis, skin diseases and bone disorders. Thank You Jesus, for touching all physical traumas with your healing love. Thank You for touching the root causes of all physical disorders in my family. Jesus, thank You for forgiving those in my family for any ways they have chosen sickness to avoid life; for any ways they have tried to meet needs in unhealthy ways. Thank You for building into my family a new pattern of choosing life.

PRAISE YOU, JESUS, YOU ARE THE LION OF JUDAH: Thank You Jesus for healing the effects in my family of the evil perpetrated by swindlers, exploiters, torturers, blackmailers and extortionists. Thank You for the anointing of Your Spirit closing the door on evil perpetrated by criminals of every kind. Thank You that all corruption and brutality in my family line is coming to an end.

PRAISE YOU, JESUS, YOU ARE OUR STRENGTH AND OUR SONG: Lord Jesus, thank You for stopping all patterns of breaking away in my family. Thank You for the roadblock that stops all runaways in my family: children, adults and parents. Thank You for dissolving all roots of isolation, hiding and escaping. Father, thank You for encircling my family with Your loving, forgiving nature, and putting Your Song in our hearts. Thank You for drawing us together. Thank You for giving us the ability to relate with each other and the community in close, free, loving ways.

PRAISE YOU, JESUS, YOU ARE OUR PROVIDER: Thank You, Jesus, for encircling my family with protection, bringing to an end the family pattern of suffering from overwhelming conditions: harsh climates, hunger, abandonment, betrayal, public shame. Thank You for giving my family living conditions that are healthy, enough food, enough money, warmth and shelter. Thank You that we are free to thrive through your Holy Spirit.

PRAISE YOU, JESUS, YOU ARE THE REAL LIFE: Thank You, Jesus, for giving each member of our family the mind and heart to serve only one God - the living God. Thank You that our family does not focus on the idols of home,jewels, modes of transportation, food, drink, titles, appearance, power, people, money, land, animals and possessions of every kind. "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24:15)

PRAISE YOU, JESUS, YOU ARE OUR CHAMPION AND SHIELD: Lord Jesus, thank You for healing in our family any effects from being different, because we are accepted and bonded into Your family. Thank You that because of You, we do not suffer as a result of speaking a different language, or because of our color, race, skin color, size, talents, or body style.

PRAISE YOU, JESUS, YOU ARE THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE: Jesus, thank You for healing any communication disorders in my family: inability to communicate, fear of speaking out, speech defects and especially stuttering. Thank You for healing all patterns of wounding others verbally, all blasphemy, all treachery of the tongue. Thank You for raising up members of my family who communicate healing and wholeness.

PRAISE YOU, JESUS, YOU ARE OUR COVENANT: Lord Jesus, thank You for healing patterns of suffering in my family, including the need to suffer and the need to fail. Thank You for healing patterns of broken hearts, rootlessness, and a sense of not belonging. Thank You for healing patterns of rejection, bitterness, resentment and unforgiveness. Thank You for bringing to mind ingrained patterns that You are ready to heal--any pattern of shame, pain or grief.

PRAISE YOU, JESUS, YOU ARE WORTHY OF ALL PRAISE: Thank You Jesus for sending your Holy Spirit throughout my family, touching, healing and making whole. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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