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Đức Mẹ Hiện Ra Với Ba Thị Nhân Trong Ba Thị Kiến Khác Nhau Vào Ngày 25/6/2009
Chủ Nhật, Ngày 28 tháng 6-2009

June 25, 2009
3 Different Apparitions in Medjugorje


Marija's Chapel

The holy spot in Marija and Paolo’s private chapel where the Mother of God has appeared many times. This June 25, 2009, the spot with a candle lit, arrayed in flowers, where within a few minutes received Our Lady on the 28th year of appearing in Medjugorje to save the world. One can only contemplate, pinch oneself, to be so fortunate to be alive in this time God has chosen to make Mary known to all the world, despite their faith, being atheist, and all other beliefs or nonbeliefs. Through the secrets to come, all proof necessary for one to believe will be completed. What kind of world will that be? Mary’s world for those who accept. Those who reject, a waste second only to hell.

The anniversary of June 25, 2009 was a very active day. Marija had her apparition in her chapel and received the 25th message to the world. Our Lady surprised us in Medjugorje later in the evening, appearing to Ivan during his prayer group for a 10:00 p.m. apparition. Yet, again another apparition to Ivanka in her annual apparition. Three apparitions in Medjugorje in one day!

Marija and her husband’s chapel were beautifully adorned in flowers for Our Lady’s 28th anniversary. The night before, Wednesday, June 24, 2009, Marija and Ivan received Our Lady in Ivan’s private chapel. They were conversing with Our Lady, reminiscing about the beginning days of the apparitions. It was very moving and intimate, so much so that Ivan could not talk about it.

Marija’s 25th apparition lasted about six minutes. She said that Our Lady was arrayed in a dress of gold. Marija has often said that the gold emulates (it imitates gold) from Our Lady’s being through Her dress. Marija said of this anniversary that Our Lady was so beautiful she wanted to go to Heaven with Her. Marija has said that “each day Our Lady appears, She is more beautiful than day before.” As more convert, the more beauty God bestows in Our Lady’s being. Later, at 10:00 p.m., Ivan’s apparition was on Apparition Mountain. People began to gather at 7:00 p.m., becoming a crowd of several thousand by apparition time. The weather again strengthened the sacrifice of climbing the mountain. Medjugorje rocks are very slick when wet, even more so when thousands of shoes coat the rocks with mud. Several injuries usually occur in this type of situation, yet the Mother, the One who cares so much for us, still calls us to the mountain, even with the risk. This is contrary to human thinking of always avoiding such things. Our Lady needs sacrifice. It is the Queen Mother who calls us, even in these conditions, on a rock strewn mountain, difficult to climb in good weather, much less so in bad. Yet, Our Lady’s happiness in our being present and Her plan working was such that Ivan could not fully describe what he saw in Her joy. This is why in the future, what is surely to come as it always does in human thinking, that the trail should be paved or made easier to climb, should be vehemently opposed. This would be a contradiction of Our Lady’s way here in Medjugorje and Her desire. Ivan describes the apparition:

“From the meeting with Our Lady; it is difficult to describe, especially today, the great, truly great joy in Her eyes and on Her face. It is difficult to express all this in words. That is why I would like to convey this importance to you. Again, I repeat Our Lady came very, very happy and joyful. She greeted us all with a greeting, ‘Praised be Jesus, my dear children, my little children.’

“Our Lady then for a longer time prayed with Her hands extended over all of us present here. Then She prayed especially over the sick present here. She then blessed us with Her Motherly Blessing, and blessed all the religious articles brought for blessing and then Our Lady said:

“Dear children, also today I desire to call you, to call you to live my messages. Today I gave you a message. Accept my messages and live my messages that the Mother can give you new messages. Thank you also today, dear children for having accepted me and my messages and for living my messages.”

Afterwards, for a time, Our Lady especially prayed for peace in the world. Then we prayed an Our Father and a Glory Be together with Her. Our Lady then left in an illuminated Sign of the Cross with a greeting, ‘Go in peace my dear children.’

“I would like to especially emphasize that Our Lady is calling us to the message She gave to us at 6:40 p.m., for us to accept that message and to live it so that She can give us new messages and to lead us through them. Thank you.”

Ivanka’s Annual Apparition on June 25, 2009

Ivanka ceased seeing Our Lady in daily apparitions on May 7, 1985. Ivanka was given the gift of seeing Our Lady once a year on the anniversary. The visionaries, often in their daily apparitions, have difficulty when Our Lady leaves. How could Our Lady appear to the visionaries for years every day, in a profoundness in the way they see Her and survive if Our Lady completely stops Her apparition for the rest of their lives? As a mother, Our Lady knows She cannot just cut off the visionaries after being so much a part of their daily lives. Ivanka has seen many things through her annual apparitions, connected to the ten secrets she has received. Click Here for more on the Ten Secrets... In one apparition, not part of the secrets, Ivanka saw tens of thousands of bodies floating down a river in Rwanda. Months later it actually happened.

Ivanka had her apparition at home with her husband and children. Ivanka relayed that Our Lady was with her for 10 minutes and spoke to her of the tenth secret.

‘Dear children, I call you to be apostles of peace. Peace, peace, peace.’

While we do not know the secrets, it is Our Lady who allows the visionaries to tell us that they spoke about them. Why? Our Lady wants us to know there are secrets. She wants us to realize there are consequences of not converting. There are consequences of being accepting and in tolerant of a culture worldwide which waddles in slime. Yet, the Christians’ indignation in the heart is so little, we are not able to even unite to change things, even though we clearly outnumber the forces of darkness. In our society the Christian life is not lived in the fullness our forefathers lived it. If we did, as they did, darkness would not, could not, reign. Our Lady is to reign with Her Immaculate Heart in and through your heart. Her triumph is in your heart, if you want it. Our Lady said:

August 25, 2000

“…In my Immaculate Heart I feel that there are many of those who have drawn closer to me and are, in a special way, carrying the victory of my Immaculate Heart in their hearts by praying and converting…”

All is up to you. Grow in love with Our Lady. Want for Her.  Long for Her.  Be an apostle.  All is available if you want.  The world will change.

In the Love of Our Lady,
A Friend of Medjugorje
From Medjugorje


Marija and Paolo’s Private Chapel that hosted the Queen of Heaven for the 28th anniversary apparition.


It is a special honor to hear the message for the world being read by Marija for the first time after receiving it. Here Marija is reading the message of June 25, 2009. The joy of hearing these fresh words from Heaven within 15 minutes of them being given is a special moment. Our Lady’s words from Heaven are heard across the whole world, yet by only a small segment of the world’s population. You, therefore, have the honor in the time of grace to read these messages first in their beginning, as the apostles in the origins of Christianity, first heard the teachings of Christ.


For Ivan’s apparitions, people always begin arriving early. There is a certain excitement when you arrive and begin to contemplate in awe that you are sitting on this mountain, this Holy Mountain, this place kissed by Our Lady’s presence for 28 years. You ask yourself who are you to be here. You can only answer, “I am nobody.” Crushed by your nothingness, that you are honored to be in the presence of the Queen of Peace in Her time which is ushering in the Reign of Mary.


June 25, 2009, 9:00 p.m. – The crowd, almost complete, in their trek up Apparition Mountain. They wait contentedly as the light of the day gives way to the night. Our Lady, in turn, comes in this setting, in the light of God and vanquishes with Her love all darkness. Praying for a long time over the crowd this night, the recesses of each heart cannot keep hidden any corner of darkness in the coming months and years. You must accept what She illuminates in your heart what you must change or you reject Her.

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