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Bào Chí Mỹ Nói Về Hiện Tượng Đức Mẹ Tà Pao, Mặt Trời Quay
Thứ Tư, Ngày 27 tháng 8-2008

Visit the Apocalypse Times Friday, April 25, 2008

Marian Apparition, Miracle Of The Sun Described By Eyewitness

Below is one of the most amazing videos we have discovered on YouTube:

Xin xem Video Clip # 25 trên

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What follows the detailed description we received from an eyewitness to the scene.

The story of Maria in Ta Pao (Vietnam)

"Hundred people and I saw the sun turn round and round directly at 6 PM on August 12, 2007. At the same time, there had a silver disk which shaded the sunlight so that every people can look at the sun. A remain part around of the sun turn round and round that silver disk. After a few seconds I took my digital camera to record it."

"What a surprised is! I recorded another scene as you have seen on my video clip. I recognized that it is one of the miracles from the God. That event was happened at the foot of the Ta Pao mountain where had a Maria statue which was placed in 1959, in Dong Kho village, Tanh Linh district, Binh Thuan province, Viet Nam. Now, they get acquainted with calling "Duc Me Ta Pao". It means Maria in Ta Pao."

"Summarizing, we can see the sun turn round itself when we saw by our eyes. But, When we saw in camera, we can see the sun move forward and move back, and flash."

"On 13th of every month, that day is the day when Maria appeared, or on Maria holiday people come together to pray. There are thounsands people come there on October 13th every year. Viet Nam Congregation named that place is Pilgrimage Center of Maria in Ta Pao"

Best wishes,

Nguyen Dinh Quang

We are beginning to think that a deliberate effort is being made by some outside intelligence to reveal themselves, their beliefs and their intentions directly to the human public by going over or outside traditional leadership organizations, i.e. governments and churches. This effort is being made slowly, and deliberately in order not to create panic or social collapse. Each exposure is quickly followed by an official debunking and the overall effect is one of "hmmm, maybe there's something to all this."

As UFOs fly, suns spin and miracles manifest themselves to small groups, a tiny core of believers is formed who then relate their stories to trusted friends who themselves begin to believe. Once mass media gets hold of the story, it is shredded. But, through small groups of convinced eyewitnesses the truth is emerging, spreading and being accepted. Keep your eyes on the sky as you may be the next eyewitness to an amazing event!

Labels: marian apparition, Mary, miracle of the sun, vietnam


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