The Promises of Jesus
Jesus King of All Nations gave several promises to those who embrace and practice His Devotion.
1. “I promise to offer the precious grace of final perseverance.”
2. “I … promise to offer … My peace in their hearts and in their homes.”
3. “I will pour My grace into them, making their soul to blossom as a precious flower in My sight.”
4. “I promise to offer the graces of daily repentance, unto conversion, unto salvation, into eternal life.”
5. “I promise that these souls will be granted a special power over My Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. I will readily hear their petitions and prayers and pour out upon them My grace according to My Most Holy Will. These souls will be most special in My sight.”
6. “I promise to offer . . . the grace of receiving in abundance and using the gifts of the Holy Spirit. They will be given to understand the efficacy of praying to Me as King and to trust in My Mercy.”
7. “I promise to offer the grace of protection in times of harm and danger. This will especially be true of danger coming from natural disasters.”
8. “All who faithfully embrace this devotion will receive a special degree of glory in Heaven. These souls shall be crowned by Me and shall reign with Me, their Eternal King.”
9. “I promise the grace of the desire to please Me in all things and thus come to perfection.”
10. “I solemnly promise the grace to come to know the secrets of My Love.”
Jesus King of All Nations also gave several promises to His priests who embrace and promote His Devotion.
1. “I promise to My ministers, My priests, the grace of greater devotion in ministering the Sacraments.” (Journal 181).
2. “I also promise to those priests who will promote devotion to Me as ‘Jesus, King of All Nations’, the grace of converting souls in great numbers. Let them preach to their flocks that I AM King over all!” (Journal 181).
3. “I will grant to those priests of Mine, who desire it, the grace to come to the understanding of holy obedience, and how this virtue is not only pleasing to Me, but absolutely necessary for these brothers of Mine to live in peace and unity.” (Journal 186).