Interview with Archbishop Joseph Naurman of Kansas city
This is the excerpt from EWTN on Oct 13th that Raymond interviewed Archbishop Joseph Naurman of Kansas city.
Non- negotiable fundamental values
1. Abortion
A. Clinton: 1. Support abortion on demand up until moment of birth. 2. Repeal the Hyde Admendment (Hyde Admendment is forbidding federal funding). 3. Support the funding of planned parenthood. 4. Appoint judges who will uphold Roe vs. Wade.
B. Trump:
1. Pro-life (exception for rape, incest, life of mother). 2. Support Hyde Admendment. 3. Defund planned parenthood. 4. Appoint judges who are strict constitutionist. 2. Euthanasia
A. Clinton:
Favors assisted suicide/euthanasia-states decides.
B. Trump:
Support GOP platform ban on euthanasia/assisted suicide.
3. Cloning/Embryonic stem cell research
A. Clinton: In favor of fighting on embryonic stem cell research.
B. Trump: Support GOP platform ban of cloning/embryonic stem research.
4. Same sex marriage:
A. Clinton: Support marriage equality “LGBT” rights.
B. Trump: Opposes gay marriage…would appoint reversal of SCOTUS ruling legalizing gay marriage.