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Thay đổi kích cỡ chữ đọc:
Cầu Nguyện Chuỗi Mân Côi Vào Lúc 6:00 Pm Ngày 4/7/2010, Sinh Nhật Của Hoa Kỳ
Thứ Tư, Ngày 30 tháng 6-2010

The USA desperately needs spiritual solutions. 
Please join tens of thousands of America Needs Fatima members in praying the Rosary on July 4th at 6PM

Invite friends to pray the Rosary for America on July 4th.

Xin quý vị trên toàn thế giới hãy cầu nguyện chuỗi Mân Côi cho nước Mỹ lúc 6:00 chiều (giờ của nơi quý vị sinh sống) để cầu nguyện cho nước Mỹ. Nạn dầu hỏa làn tràn(Vết dầu loang) đang tác hại nặng nề trên môi trường sống của nước Mỹ và các nước Âu Châu.  Xin cám ơn quý vị.

Dear Friends,

July 4th is America's birthday. Hurrah!

It's the perfect time to pray the Rosary, asking the Blessed Virgin Mary to beg God to send desperately needed spiritual solutions to our nation.

 July 4th, 6PM

 Pray the Holy Rosary

 To solve America's growing moral, economic, family and national crisis

See, the more people who pray the Rosary on July 4, the more Our Lady will intervene for us before the Throne of Almighty God.

To win graces that we desperately need to s a v e our children, families, and homes from the terrible decline that is affecting our nation AT EVERY LEVEL.

Share the news
 of the Rosary for America on July 4th.

There are still good things happening in America.

For example, recently, there was a tremendous outpouring of Catholic reaction against a very offensive anti-religious Hyundai car ad that ran during the World Cup.

That ad blasphemed the Holy Eucharist and the Blessed Virgin Mary in a Church setting, yet Hyundai backed down, pulled the ad, and even apologized for their mistake.

Of course, if Catholics had done nothing and remained silent over the blasphemous ad, Hyundai would never had apologized and pulled the ad.

But this type of apology is extremely rare in our secular world, which shows there's still a lot of work to be done.

Invite friends to pray the Rosary for America on July 4th.

See, those who seek to remove God and His holy law from our nation press on:

  • abortion murders innocent unborn babies

  • the institution of the family is weakened by impure life styles; and

  • threatened by the legalization of homosexual "marriage"

  • the sexual revolution pervades popular culture especially in T.V., media, movies and the Internet
However, the worst consequence of this secularist offensive is the rejection of God by which people disdain His wise and loving action and refuse His grace for our country.

And without His grace, how can we live?

How can our leaders properly govern? From where will they get wisdom and strength to solve our great and complex problems?

And besides all these moral problems, how can we maintain our treasured national identity, while adopting a just and balanced solution for the immigration dilemma?

How can we solve our need to become self-sufficient in energy? How can we resolve our economic problems? How can we maintain a wise, strong and careful military strategy?

The answer is: we can't do any of these things without the friendship of God. For without His grace, life is only disgrace and disaster.

And we cannot gain the friendship of God, without the intercession of His Most Holy Mother.

Now, the best way to win God's graces for America is to beg Our Lady to intervene for us, by the power of the Holy Rosary.
That's why I invite you to pray the Rosary for America on July 4th and urge you to please invite friends to join this prayerful spiritual crusade. 

Sincerely in Jesus and Mary,

Robert E. Ritchie
America Needs Fatima
P.S. America needs a monumental miracle of conversion. And it can happen!

Actually, this July 4, you can do something even more s p e c i a l for America: become a rally captain in the 2010 Public Square Rosary Crusade.

It's quite simple. In fact, all it takes are a few people praying the Rosary in a public place at noon on Saturday, October 16. And once you say YES to being a captain, I'll send you a f r e e, beautiful banner and instruction manual in the mail.

More: I'll have a red rose taken to Fatima, Portugal in your name.

To become a rally captain and have your red rose sent to Fatima,please CLICK HERE and fill out the form online.

Without prayer, and specifically the Rosary, we will not find solutions to our nation's many problems. 
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