1 For more information about NAVASA, go to website 2 IRAC, Report on Partners in Resettlement Project – Phase I (September 1984 – May 1985) submitted to Douglas R. Hunter, Director, Office of Reception and Placement, Bureau for Refugee Programs, Department of State. Also, The Bridge, Vol. II, No. 1 (March, 1985), p.12, and Vol. II, No. 2 (July, 1985), p. 11. 3 The Bridge, Vol. II, Nos. 3 & 4 (December, 1985) , p.12. 4 Nguyen N. Linh, “MAAs in the Resettlement Process, ” The Bridge, Vol. III, No. 2 (June, 1986), p. 4. 5 Jonathan B. Cook, “Management Resources for MAAs”, The Bridge, Vol. I, No. 1 (January, 1984) , pp. 7, 12. Information on IRAC/SEARAC’s MAA Training and Technical Assistance program could be found in other issues of The Bridge, section IRAC/SEARAC’s Activities,from Vol. I, No. 2 (March, 1984) to Vol. 13, No. 4 (Winter, 1996). 6 After Le Xuan Khoa’s retirement in 1997, The Bridge changed its format and focused on domestic issues, such as citizenship, equal opportunity, and consolidated institutional links with the larger Pan Asian Pacific American network. 7 Le Xuan Khoa,“Indochina Today (1981): Political vs. Economic Refugees and Managing the Domestic Resettlement Program”. Testimony before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary and The Subcommittee on Immigration and Refugee Policy, September 22, 1981. Congressional Records, September 1981. 8 The Bangkok World, March 3, 1981, front page. 9 Don Oberdorfer, The Washington Post, March 3, 1987, section A, p. 18. 10 The New York Times, March 8, 1988, section A, p. 30. 11 Information Update, issue 13, October 1988, published by Refugee Service Center, Center for Applied Linguistics, Washington, DC, p. 28. 12 Sergio Vieira de Mello, then UNHCR Director, Regional Bureau for Asia and Oceania and CPA Coordinator. Mr. de Mello, promoted to the position of UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in 2002, died in a terrorist attack in Iraq in 2003 when he was on mission as the Special Representative of the Secretary-General. 13 All excerpts and quotes in this section (The Geneva Conference) were from the texts of statements and speeches available to Conference participants. 14 At the White House briefing on Vietnam on August 7, 1989, Mr. Funseth made the following comments to the Vietnamese American community: “Certain representatives of your organizations made a direct approach to the Vietnamese Mission in New York, at the United Nations, and pointed out to that Mission how important it was to the one million Vietnamese Americans that the political prisoners be released, that they be resettled. . . That was a very important initiative.” On October 16, 1990, SEARAC President also met with Vietnamese Foreign Minister Nguyen Co Thach in New York through the arrangements of Senator Mark O. Hatfield. This meeting addressing broader issues had been reported by Le Xuan Khoa in other occasions. 15 Le Xuan Khoa, IRAC’s statement in “Refugees: A Challenge to Solidarity”, Proceedings of the International Round Table on the Question of Refugees, United Nations, NY (9-10 March, 1993), Center for Migration Studies of New York, Inc., 1993, pp. 265-267. 16 ROVR statistics provided by the Department of States include: Admissions through FY 1999: 15,339; FY 2000: 754; FY 2001: 289; FY 2002: 41; FY 2003: 16; FY 2004: 4; FY 2005: 0; FY 2006: 19. Total ROVR admissions: 16,462. 17 Le Xuan Khoa, “SEARAC in Transition . . . Again”, The Bridge, Vol. 14, Nos. 1-4 (December 1997), p. 1. 18 At the Convention, in a conversation during lunch with some Cambodian colleagues about the conflict between the Vietnamese communists and their “comrades” Khmer Rouge, I remarked, “while these guys are killing each other back home, here in America we are cooperating with each other, sharing experiences and resources. Let’s teach them this lesson of democracy. We can also set a good example for the Cambodian, Laotian and Vietnamese peoples, especially the younger generation, in our home countries.” 19 Senator Dennis DeConcini and Congressman Steny H. Hoyer, Letters to Le Xuan Khoa, April 30 and May 20, 1993 20 “Social Justice and the Relief of Poverty in the Global Economy” (A Conference Report), The Bridge, Vol.14, No. 1-4 (December 1997), p. 10.
Proffessor Lê Xuân Khoa
May 2, 2009