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Đức Mẹ Medjugorje, Nam Tư
Thứ Năm, Ngày 19 tháng 2-2009

Thị nhân Ivan nói chuyện với cử tạo tại tiểu bang Massachusetts.

By Chloe Gotsis
Local staff write

Ivan Dragicevic of Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina, told a recent gathering at St. Andrew’s Catholic Church of apparitions of Mary he said he experienced. His speech was conveyed by a translator.

Billerica, Mass. - The first sign she is coming is a bright white light. She has bright blue eyes and long black hair covered by a white veil and often wears a gray dress and light blue cloak.

Although historians have long studied Mary – whom Christians believe was the mother of Christ – there is no evidence of her appearance.

But one man from Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina claims to not only know what she looks like, but says he has seen her every day for the past 27 years.

 On Feb. 6, at approximately 6:40 p.m., Ivan Dragicevic said she appeared to him as he said the Rosary – a series of prayers that utilize a string of beads -- before an audience of 400 at St. Andrew’s Catholic Church.

“I felt her closeness,” said Dragicevic, who was one of six Croatian youths who reported that Mary  appeared to them beginning June 24, 1981 in Medjugorje, a city that at the time was located inYugoslavia. “I feel no time and space [when she is around]. There are no words beautiful enough that can describe her beauty.”

But Dragicevic, who still lives in Medjugorje and keeps a residence in the Boston area, said Mary – also referred to as the  Madonna -- does not bring messages of fear, the end of the world or the second coming of Christ – an event many Christians believe will happen at the end of the world.

Instead, he said Mary sends a message of hope and desire to help.

“She is trying to wake us from our spiritual coma,” said Dragicevic adding that Mary sends words of peace and forgiveness. 

The reported visions have drawn more than 30 million pilgrims to Medjugorje and have sparked interest and skepticism both within and outside the Catholic Church.

His fame has led Dragicevic to travel all over internationally to speak about his visions.

Dragicevic’s speech, delivered through a translator, drew thunderous applause.

“I can talk to her just as I can talk to you now,” he said.

Some in attendance, such as Pat Williams of New Hampshire,  were certain they were in the presence of Mary.

 “How do you explain being in her presence?” said Williams. “You can just feel her aura. It was inspiring.”

Others, such as Jackie Twinem of Londonderry, N.H., weren’t as confident. “I didn’t feel her as much as I thought I would,” said Twinem.

Michael Chalsen, of the St. Andrews’ Vocational Committee, who organized the evening with Dragicevic after meeting him in Medjugorje, said Dragicevic’s message is always one of hope and conversion through prayer.

Chalsen said his eyes welled up during the apparition.

“It’s hard not to feel anything,” said Chalsen.

While many Catholics in particular and Christians in general have strong faith in the Medjugorje sightings others are less than sure about such reports.

Vatican officials are working on a new procedure to investigate apparitions from false claims of sightings of Christ, Mary and other important figures in the Catholic faith, weeping and bleeding statues and other controversial reports of visions and other occurrences.

The current Vatican policies, last updated in 1978, allow a diocesan bishop to either on his own or at the request of a believer to investigate an alleged apparition before submitting a report to the Vatican. 

According to published reports from the Catholic News Service, Pope Benedict XVI could not confirm the reports of Medjugorje apparitions.

But Vatican officials said Catholics are free to make pilgrimages to Medjugorje. Nearly 30 years later, priests, bishops and cardinals all over the world are still struggling to prove the Medjugorje apparitions.
Comments (2)

Our Lady is calling to all her children. She has been calling to the children of America as Our Lady of America since She first appeared in Rome City, IN in 1956 delivering her message of purity that is so relevant to today's evil that exists in our societies.

Please learn about what Our Lady asks by visiting and and following the path laid down by our good bishops in promoting this devotion. I suggest you download the messages for study and share these Canonically-approved messages (see Archbishop Raymond Burke's recent statements as well as EWTN's comments) with your local pastor and prayer groups.

I have been to Rome City on several private prayer pilgrimages and I can tell you that I am not alone in my solemn belief that Our Lady is there awaiting your response to her call to purity. She said 'Bring Me My Children. Bring Me All of My Children.' Won't you please repond to her pleas?

Make sure you take empty water containers with you if you visit the site of the Our Lady of America apparitions in Rome City, Indiana. You will want to take as much of the spring water that flows from the buildings and hillside for healing and protection of the spirit. Many people have reported healings from the intercession of Our Lady after drinking or bathing in the waters that come from this holy place. Take the time to look at the many miraculous photos that other pilgrims have taken here also. There are some with unborn babies in the sky as well as images of Our lady coming down from the spinning sun.

May God bless you this day and may we all come to a deeper union with Our Lord, Jesus Christ through the intercessions of His most Holy Mother, Mary.

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