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Election Novena Prayers, Tuần Cửu Nhật Cầu Cho Cuộc Bầu Cử Tổng Thống Mỹ 8/11/2016
Thứ Bảy, Ngày 29 tháng 10-2016

Election Novena Prayers

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Day 1: St. Jude, Patron of impossible causes, join us in praying for this election and these intentions: [State your intentions here.]

Day 2: St. Frances Cabrini, you who tirelessly built the Kingdom of God in America, join us in praying for this election and these intentions: [State your intentions here.]

Day 3: St. Thomas More, martyred for your uncompromising faith, join us in praying for this election and these intentions: [State your intentions here.]

Day 4: St. Jose Sanchez del Rio, martyred for your child-like, yet fearless faith in Christ the King, join us in praying for this election and these intentions: [State your intentions here.]

Day 5: St. Kateri Tekakwitha, who fled to Canada in order to freely practice your faith, join us in praying for this election and these intentions: [State your intentions here.]

Day 6: St. Damien de Veuster of Molokai, selfless servant of the lepers of Hawaii, join us in praying for this election and these intentions: [State your intentions here.]

Day 7: St. John Neumann, Founder of the diocesan Catholic school system in America, join us in praying for this election and these intentions: [State your intentions here.]

Day 8: St. Rita, Patroness of hopeless causes, join us in praying for this election and these intentions: [State your intentions here.]

Day 9: Mother Mary, Patroness of the Americas, join us in praying for this election and these intentions: [State your intentions here.]

Daily Prayer

Heavenly Father,

Nothing can overcome your greatness. But we are weak and need a deeper gift of hope as we face worldly governments.

Help us remember that political power can never replace the mission of the Church to preach the Gospel to all nations.

Lord, we give you permission to form our consciences according to the Gospel so that we may both vote and act for the Kingdom of God.

As we wrestle with the complexity of political life, never let us forget the poor, the weak, the unborn, the refugee, the migrant, all those affected by war, those struggling financially and all those suffering from the failings of the political systems of this world.

Give us the courage to always be detached from our political loyalties and be first a faithful follower of Jesus, the true King.  And when it comes time for us to contribute to the political realm help us to cast our vote in a way that is pleasing to You.

For these elections in our nations, O God, please bless us with the best rulers possible, in this fallen world, at all levels of government.

Finally, just as You brought our salvation from the horrible death of Your Son, we pray that from the political campaigns of this world, You will bring about great good for Your people.


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