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Thay đổi kích cỡ chữ đọc:
The Chaplet Of Our Lady's Tears: Chuỗi Hạt Nước Mắt Đức Mẹ
Thứ Tư, Ngày 12 tháng 8-2009


How to pray the Chaplet of Our Lady's Tears

This spiritual devotion is prayed on the popular Marian Rosary of 59 beads.

Begin as follows:

Replace the Creed with:

"Crucified Jesus!
We fall at Your feet
and offer You the tears of her
who with deep compassionate love
accompanied You
on Your sorrowful way of the Cross.
Grant, O Good Master,
that we take to heart the lessons
which the tears of Your most holy Mother teach us,
so that we may fulfill Your holy will on earth,
that we may be worthy to praise
and exalt You in Heaven for all eternity."

Replace the Our Father's with:

V. "O Jesus, look upon the tears of her who loved You most on earth,"
R. "And loves You most ardently in Heaven."

Replace the Hail Mary's with:

V. "O Jesus, hear our prayers,"
R. "For the sake of Your most holy Mother's tears."

At the end of the Chaplet, say 3 times the following:

V. "O Jesus, look upon the tears of her who loved You most on earth,"
R. "And loves You most ardently in Heaven."

Say the following prayer at the end of the Chaplet:

"O Mary, Mother of love,
sorrow and mercy,
we beg you to unite your prayers
with our so that Jesus,
your Divine Son,
to Whom we turn
may hear our petitions
in the name of your maternal tears
and may give us in addition to the favours we ask,
the crown of everlasting life."


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