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Healing Of Your Family Tree
Thứ Ba, Ngày 27 tháng 1-2009
Rev. John H. Hampsch, CMF
Information about private Mass intentions for the Healing of YOUR Family Tree

More information on
Healing Your Family Tree:

Find out more about this exciting Scripture-based approach to healing that has been recently "rediscovered" to deal with "generational bondage" resulting from "the sins of the parents being visited upon the children to the third and fourth generation."

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Healing Your Family Tree

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6 hours of teaching with Healing Mass
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Prayer for Healing
the Family Tree
Rev. John H. Hampsch, CMF

Heavenly Father, I come before you as your child, in great need of your help; I have physical health needs, emotional needs, spiritual needs, and interpersonal needs. Many of my problems have been caused by my own failures, neglect and sinfulness, for which I humbly beg your forgiveness, Lord. But I also ask you to forgive the sins of my ancestors whose failures have left their effects on me in the form of unwanted tendencies, behavior patterns and defects in body, mind and spirit. Heal me, Lord, of all these disorders.

With your help I sincerely forgive everyone, especially living or dead members of my family tree, who have directly offended me or my loved ones in any way, or those whose sins have resulted in our present sufferings and disorders. In the name of your divine Son, Jesus, and in the power of his Holy Spirit, I ask you, Father, to deliver me and my entire family tree from the influence of the evil one. Free all living and dead members of my family tree, including those in adoptive relationships, and those in extended family relationships, from every contaminating form of bondage. By your loving concern for us, heavenly Father, and by the shed blood of your precious Son, Jesus, I beg you to extend your blessing to me and to all my living and deceased relatives. Heal every negative effect transmitted through all past generations, and prevent such negative effects in future generations of my family tree.

I symbolically place the cross of Jesus over the head of each person in my family tree, and between each generation; I ask you to let the cleansing blood of Jesus purify the bloodlines in my family lineage. Set your protective angels to encamp around us, and permit Archangel Raphael, the patron of healing, to administer your divine healing power to all of us, even in areas of genetic disability. Give special power to our family members' guardian angels to heal, protect, guide and encourage each of us in all our needs. Let your healing power be released at this very moment, and let it continue as long as your sovereignty permits.

In our family tree, Lord, replace all bondage with a holy bonding in family love. And let there be an ever-deeper bonding with you, Lord, by the Holy Spirit, to your Son, Jesus. Let the family of the Holy Trinity pervade our family with its tender, warm, loving presence, so that our family may recognize and manifest that love in all our relationships. All of our unknown needs we include with this petition that we pray in Jesus' precious Name. Amen.

St. Joseph, Patron of family life, pray for us.

(and/or for other intentions)


To arrange to have a Mass or Masses celebrated for the intention of your personal family tree, or for the healing of any possible bondages afflicting the body, mind or spirit of any family members, living or dead (and also for the prevention of disorders in future family members who do not yet even exist), make your request (for a printable form or e-mail form use the links at the bottom of this column) with any size stipend to support the work of the Claretian Missionary Fathers helping the poor in our missions throughout the world.

You may want to prepare an ancestor chart, descendant chart, pedigree chart, genogram or other listing of names of family tree members. Although it is not theologically required it may be useful for personal devotion to provide a focus for praying. Such listings are always incomplete. God knows the names of your many relatives, your in-laws, the natural parents of adopted family members who may be in need of healing. He also knows your particular needs and graces to be prayed for (far more than we humans are aware of) and those of living, dead and future members of your family tree. There's no need to spell out every need of your loved ones; a general intention suffices (Matthew 6:8&32).

If you prefer a particular date or dates for the Mass(es), let us know this in writing when you submit the Mass stipend.

If no other petitioner has requested Mass on the date(s) you have chosen, then Father Hampsch will accede to your request. If those dates have already been requested by another petitioner, then the date(s) of your requested Mass(es) will be assigned to another Claretian priest in this community. If you specify no particular date(s), then the Mass(es) will be offered on the first open date(s) in which Father Hampsch has no Mass intention booked.

The Mass(es) will be registered with the stipend collector of our local community when the stipend is received. It would save us much time and work if you state that we don't need to acknowledge receiving the stipend. Please know that we are most grateful for your financial support of the work of our missions throughout the world. If you do request an acknowledgment, please state either your e-mail address, or your phone number with the most convenient time for us to call you.

Please state the exact number of Masses you are requesting. Some petitioners request only one Mass, sometimes for a specific anniversary or birthday; some prefer a triduum (three successive days) of Masses; some want a novena (nine successive days) of Masses; others want a Mass every week or month on a certain date for a predetermined period of time. Some list a series of specific preferred dates for the Masses. And some petitioners don't request a Mass for their exclusive "stipendary" intention, but simply want the priest's prayerful remembrance within any Mass at any time (a "memento").

When the Mass intention is for the healing of one's family tree, we suggest that the date(s) of the Mass(es) be the occasion for fostering a "spiritual family reunion," with as many family members as possible agreeing to attend Mass and receive Communion (if Catholic), each in the most convenient location for them. At the Consecration and the Communion in the Mass, they should ask Jesus to symbolically pour his Precious Blood between each generation of ancestors and descendants, to break any transgenerational bondage from ancestral sins (see Lam. 5:7, etc.).

If the participants' faith in Jesus' Eucharistic presence is strong, you can expect truly remarkable healings, both "curative" and "preventative." (For a detailed explanation of such healing Masses see Father Hampsch's books, The Healing Power of the Eucharist, or Healing Your Family Tree, or his audio cassette album, his CD album, or his video album by that title, all available from the catalog on this website or from our online store.)


If you are using VISA or MasterCard you can phone in your request to 310-782-6408.

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